Air Force Medical Service CBRNE Defense Seminar Website Completed 
Arlington, VA (March 27, 2006) - NeverLand’s Web Development Team and Database Developers worked closely to implement a conference signup website for the 2006 Air Force Medical Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High Yield Explosives (CBRNE) Defense Seminar.
The project had a very tight deadline of only 10 days and registrations had to follow a complex set of rules including time, training, and capacity constraints. However, by working closely together, our developers found creative and flexible solutions to each hurdle and delivered a website that exceeded all the client’s expectations - resulting in a long term extension of the site.
For the Conference Organizers, NeverLand created a management console that allows them to view, print, enter, update, delete, and maintain class and registrant information. In addition, a custom PDF generator was developed that created an Individualized Schedule for each attendee saving the Organizers hours of frustration.
NeverLand Software & Systems (NeverLand)
NeverLand Software & Systems is a privately held company based in Arlington, Virginia with an office in San Francisco, California. Founded in 1994, NeverLand is an Information Technology services business. The company offers a large range of services to industry, including systems integration services and website, database and application development services to clients nationwide.
NeverLand CUE™
NeverLand’s flagship product is the NeverLand CUE™. This proprietary system enables clients to manage specific features online, including administrator access, web site content, press rooms and other publications, databases, HTML e-newsletters, advertising, contacts, visitor or subscriber passwords, subsidiary web sites, and much more. All this can be done through the CUE™ Management Panel without needing knowledge of HTML or any programming or database languages.
More information about NeverLand can be found online at